Tuesday, July 16, 2019

I've either completely lost it, or I'm about to get it together

In exactly 88 days, I will take to the trail with just under 100 other people to hike 28.3 miles in one day.  We do this to prove to ourselves we can, but we do it for those who can't while also raising funds to grant wishes for children. 

I'm doing this because I need to do something.  I am currently in the worst shape of my life, but I have the most time I've ever had.  I'm doing this because in my mom's final years she couldn't have dreamed of doing this because she couldn't breathe. 

Here I go...


Take a breath, 
a deep breath 
a very deep breath
step outside of my comfort zone to feel better.  

I can feel alive and experience something that scares me AND do something to benefit these kids who probably have to do something that scares them much more often, but they have to do it to stay alive.  I am lucky.  Help me send a little luck their way.

Stay tuned for pictures, stories and who knows what else. 
